Find me at…

Long time no see, I’ve been a little AWOL recently and I’m sorry for not writing on here sooner. I mentioned in my last post I was moving over to Blogger and I was getting a new domain. Well, I’ve successfully done that now, there were a few hiccups at the start but it’s up and ready. So you can find me on

I’m still blogging, blogging more often. Blogger is exactly how I imagined it to be and I’m feel much happier since doing it.

I’d love for you to check out my new blog. I haven’t finished the layout yet but I feel like I’m becoming more confident in writing posts again (how I used to write). I’ve even got a lot of exciting new posts coming up soon too.

I’ll still have this WordPress account, my first blog is here too. So I’ll still read all the blog’s I’m following. I just won’t post on here anymore (unless I need to).

My new blog.

Thank you and Farewell,

Aoife xx

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